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jumping in a creek… buckit style!

jumping in a creek… buckit style!

Sarah Ward |

(original posted 11/21/22)

Sooo while I am by no means the most adventurous person ever, I’ve dipped into my fair share of creeks and rivers since moving to the mountains. There’s something about clean water in a pretty mountain setting that just calls to me.. jump in! I’ve done it on a whim, during several pregnancies, and now… for health! And the bronco has made logistics 👌

The wash out interior is one of my favorite parts about this vehicle. It’s so freeing and feels like your bronco is really ready for whatever you’d like to jump into next.

I quickly kicked off my heels, slipped a swimsuit under my dress, and jumped into a nearby creek after taking my dress off. Yes, this is fall time here in the smoky mountains. And yes, the water was quite chilly. Sooo what was the purpose? Health.

More specifically, I’ve been listening to the huberman lab podcast (yeah… I’m really fun at parties 😎). His conversations covering the neuromodulator dopamine have changed my life, seriously. And one of the things he mentions are “hacks,” if you will on increasing dopamine when you’d like to get super focused. He also explains other health benefits of cold water therapy throughout his podcasts.

Yes, the first 15-30 seconds feel intense, and you can pretty much feel your brain wake up as if there was a crew of soldiers marching out ready to take on any task you threw at them. It’s invigorating.

Since learning about the health benefits, I’ve been doing cold water showers 1-2x per week. If you’re interested, research it for yourself and run it by your doctor (apparently it can cause heart attacks in some individuals).

Next time you see a pretty creek, I encourage you to say, “buckit!” and jump in! 😘